Be Mindful of Your Mental Health –
Wholetones-Michael-TyrrellYour mental health is just as important (if not more so) to your overall wellness as your physical health. Setting healthy boundaries and making time for your needs should become a priority, even it is only 10 minutes a day to focus on your breathing… These few precious minutes can help you get grounded, center, and regain focus when life gets crazy. Taking time to go within and learning how to hit the “off switch” – even for brief periods will increase creativity, memory capacity, and self-awareness—which can help you manage a busy day or packed WFH (work from home) schedule. One of my favorite tools to calm the brain and chaotic energy is Wholetones. The creation of Wholetones is to heal the world through music. They have created an effective line of frequency-based therapeutic music that is clinically proven to improve sleep, relieve stress, and gain more energy for your day during times of meditation and contemplation. These energetic frequencies have a powerful and positive effect on the entire body and mind.