Post Care
Aesthetic Treatment Aftercare:
To accelerate skin recovery and extend the life of your cosmetic and aesthetic procedures, we developed a robust, totally botanical post-procedure system that will dramatically speed up skin recovery and help reduce pain and discomfort after skin peels and other aesthetic procedures. Our combination of nature's most time-honored healing ingredients include Comfrey, Whole Leaf Aloe vera, full spectrum CBD, Calendula, St. Johns Wort, and Oregon Grape Root (to name just a few) all come together in this powerful, proprietary collection to repair traumatized skin following lasers, dermal fillers, toxins, chemical peels and more. Excellent for reducing bruising, swelling, and inflammation.
To accelerate skin recovery and extend the life of your cosmetic and aesthetic procedures, we developed a robust, totally botanical post-procedure system that will dramatically speed up skin recovery and help reduce pain and discomfort after skin peels and other aesthetic procedures. Our combination of nature's most time-honored healing ingredients include Comfrey, Whole Leaf Aloe vera, full spectrum CBD, Calendula, St. Johns Wort, and Oregon Grape Root (to name just a few) all come together in this powerful, proprietary collection to repair traumatized skin following lasers, dermal fillers, toxins, chemical peels and more. Excellent for reducing bruising, swelling, and inflammation.
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